We believe that every business should prioritise environmentally friendly processes, and our commitment reflects your expectations of us as a trusted supplier.
We believe that every business should prioritise environmentally friendly processes, and our commitment reflects your expectations of us as a trusted supplier.
We actively work and strategically plan to locate our potato crop as close as possible to our factories to reduce our miles travelled.
Our farmers work to reduce C02 emissions through a variety of different practices, including; the improvement of soil health, reducing fertiliser usage and implementing regenerative agriculture practices.
Currently McCain in Great Britain is producing up to 20% of our electricity requirements through smart initiatives such as on-site wind turbines. By 2030 our aim is to move to 100% renewable electricity.
Our used cooking oil never goes to waste, instead it’s converted into biodiesel at a state-of-the-art plant in Liverpool. This is then supplied directly for logistics fleets for food delivery and sold to fuel majors for use on UK forecourts. Since 2019 our oil has been converted into over 4158 tonnes of biodiesel (with an approximate carbon saving of 85%), which is amazing.
We are working closely with our hauliers on delivering our products to operators efficiently, without compromising on cost, quality or time. We are achieving this by exploring alternative fuels to reduce transport emissions, advancing truck technologies, and reducing the age of the fleet.
At our Scarborough site we’ve reduced our Energy usage by 20%. We achieved this by recovering and reusing the waste heat from our process. Such is the success, we’ve planned similar heat recovery projects over the next five years for our Whittlesey and Wombourne plants.
We actively work and strategically plan to locate our potato crop as close as possible to our factories to reduce our miles travelled.
Our farmers work to reduce C02 emissions through a variety of different practices, including; the improvement of soil health, reducing fertiliser usage and implementing regenerative agriculture practices.
Currently McCain in Great Britain is producing up to 20% of our electricity requirements through smart initiatives such as on-site wind turbines. By 2030 our aim is to move to 100% renewable electricity.
Our used cooking oil never goes to waste, instead it’s converted into biodiesel at a state-of-the-art plant in Liverpool. This is then supplied directly for logistics fleets for food delivery and sold to fuel majors for use on UK forecourts. Since 2019 our oil has been converted into over 4158 tonnes of biodiesel (with an approximate carbon saving of 85%), which is amazing.
We are working closely with our hauliers on delivering our products to operators efficiently, without compromising on cost, quality or time. We are achieving this by exploring alternative fuels to reduce transport emissions, advancing truck technologies, and reducing the age of the fleet.
At our Scarborough site we’ve reduced our Energy usage by 20%. We achieved this by recovering and reusing the waste heat from our process. Such is the success, we’ve planned similar heat recovery projects over the next five years for our Whittlesey and Wombourne plants.
50% absolute reduction in scope 1 & 2 CO2 emissions from our manufacturing plants by 2030 and we will work tirelessly to deliver that.